Winter Style Edit Vol.1

I know the rest of the world is getting warmer, but here in Australia, we are snuggling under a blanket sipping hot chocolate. Winter has finally arrived. I LOVE WINTER CLOTHING. You've heard me say that before having you? It's the season of boots, huge scarfs, coats, chunky knits and more. I honestly cannot be happier, so here I am today, starting a new monthly series, rounding up a couple of my favourite style pieces from each month.



If you’ve been following me on Instagram (@mstiffanyyang), you know I’m obsessed with this Jac + Jack Camel Coat. I know camel cis consider quite neutral & classic colour for most people, but honestly, this is literally one of the more vibrant pieces in my wardrobe. Usually, when I invest in a coat, I try to think of at least three different ways to wear it before handing my credit card over. And in this case, my styling option is way over five. My usual turtleneck with skinny jeans, leopard skirt, shorts with knee-high boots, a pleated skirt with sneakers…etc. Name anything, trust me almost everything work.

接下來這件,已經在我的 INSTAGRAM 出現太多次了。今年墨爾本的冬天來得早。好險,我從四月就開始物色大衣了(笑)從去年年底,就一直在找駝色大衣,從澳洲找回台灣,找到日本,再一路找回來,但偏偏沒有一個中意的。要不是剪裁不合適,不然就是布料太重,對於冬裝,我真的是各種龜毛。記得是某天比較早下班,所以到百貨公司順便補一些護膚品的貨,結果該買的沒買,倒是提了一件大衣回家。JAC + JACK 是澳洲幾個基本款做的不錯的品牌之一。翻翻找找,終於讓我在駝色區(沒錯,他們店都是照顏色區分擺放衣服),套了一下,肩寬可以、袖子下擺長度完美,輕盈度也夠 — OK 這是命定款!本身的剪裁,是我喜歡的長板西裝外套設計,而且因為是 100%羊毛,所以禦寒功效也很好。一般來說,要買單價稍微高一點的衣物的時候,我都會思考他的搭配性,做為經典的駝色大衣在這方面當然是沒問題。


Honestly, I have been carrying this tote since summer. It's literally the best all season piece. I love the trio layering design, so you can choose to go with the camel or black side, depending on your outfit of the day. After owning a couple of 3.1 Phillip Lim bags, it is safe to say their quality is pretty amazing, and they last you years — well worth the price point. This particular tote is super light and comes with 4 sections for your to organise your daily essentials. I personally got mine from Shopbop, sadly it's sold out here, but I managed to find one via Saks.

這款托特包,真的被路人問過很多次,連我在這裡的髮型設計師也都跑去訂一個。其實以前是喜歡小包的,寧願側背一個小包,然後手抱電腦,自己覺得這樣很瀟灑(?)學生時期還可以免強渡過,再不然東西放車上,課間再去換就好。不過上班後的行程,就不太允許我這麼任性,托特包也就慢慢變成了我的好朋友。但身為外貿協會購物者,就算是大容量,時髦這件事還是要兼顧。今年一月在 SHOPBOP 找到了這個 3.1 PHILLIP LIM 三色包。包包本身非常輕,共分為三個大夾層跟一個暗袋,東西可以分門別類放好。另外,可以根據自己當天的衣著,決定要背哪一邊。能裝的程度,也比看起來中多很多,錢包、化妝包、行事曆、相機、水壺跟雨傘都放得下。我有時候也會放15寸筆電,但這種情況就會減少其他物品,不是裝不下,是我背不動(攤手)好,說了這麼多,結果 SHOPBOP 居然賣完了。在 SAKS 貌似還有,喜歡的人請動作快。品名是 SLIP ACCORDION LEATHER TOTE,歡迎地毯式搜尋。


There you have it, my very first Monthly Style Edit post, I hope you find it interesting. Once again, thanks to the amazing Annie for creating the visuals. We had to run around South Melbourne while its raining to get the shots we planned, so I apologise if my hair looks a bit…well, wet. All that said, I’m still proud with how they turned out. Hopefully, you love them as much as I do.

「突破舒適圈,原來是這種感覺」— 拍完這次的影像,腦中一直響著這樣的聲音。太不習慣被拍了,幸好 ANNIE 跟我的頻率滿相近的,讓我不是太緊張。淋著雨,穿梭在平常上班都要往返的墨爾本南區,或許是目的不同,街景也顯得不同。原先捲好的頭髮因為濕氣都直了,其實本來害怕因為這樣會顯得邋遢,不過收到照片的時候,倒是喜歡這種自然感。目前應該都會走「不露臉路線」,至於為什麽呢,哪天找時間再來好好說吧。希望你們喜歡這次的文章,接下來每個月都會有一篇這樣介紹喜歡的單品的,項目也會保持三個或以內,這樣才是真愛中的真愛啊(笑)我們下回見啦。

photography by Annie (@Yu Chun Chen)
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