best of brands: glossier


I’m not sure that if there’s ever a brand landed on the planet with such an influence as Glossier did. As a lover of all things glowing, glossy, no-makeup look, and packaging, I was there on the front of the queue when they first launched. Visiting their New York showroom at least twice in on my visits, and ALWAYS manage to come home with a huge bag. Heck, if I calculated how much money I actually spend on this brand & the sister Glossier Play, my accountant won’t be too happy. Like all brands with a huge hype, some products I’ve tested stayed on my vanity while the others just quietly disappears. So I thought I’d share with you the items that are still hanging around…here we go!

準備這篇文章的時候,數數手指,發現自己快兩年沒到美國了,在現在的情況,也不知道下次是什麼時候。一直以來,任何美系不進澳洲的彩妝,都是靠楊小妹幫我代購(笑)永遠記得 Glossier 剛上市造成的炫風,而至今為止似乎熱度依舊。每次到紐約走訪他們的展間生意永遠都是很好,而我幾乎不曾空手而歸。極簡的包裝、不隨波逐流的清新妝感以及「肌膚優先、彩妝第二」的口號,等等都深得我心。喜歡 Glossier 大概有快五年,梳妝台上還是能見到他們家產品的身影,但的確沒有之前多。這很正常,畢竟總有些東西是不適合自己的。所以呢,今天決定來和大家分享一下,經過各種嚴格篩選,與他牌產品評比下,留下了幾樣我依舊持續使用的。有保養、有彩妝,快一起來看看吧。


1: stretch concealer

Definitely my favourite concealer of all times for the recent years. The stretch concealer is everything I’m looking for the under eyes area — Hydrate, covers & skin-like. I just cannot ask for more. I’m on my third jar, and I’m sure I will always repurchase. If you ask wha’t the one thing to get from Glossier, this is it.

在我心中的 Glossier 第一名,絕對是遮瑕膏。先說,如果找的是高遮蓋度的,那麼可以直接跳過(笑)我喜歡它是因為,它很保濕但不易脫妝、妝感自然親膚,另外提亮效果也挺好的。目前已回購三次,下趟去紐約依舊會囤貨。

2: balm dot com - birthday flavour

I started my glossier journey with the cult favourite Balm Dot Com. But first, can we just stop for a moment and admire this über-cute packaging? I use to love the rose scent, but these days I find my self reaching for the birthday flavour a lot more. It comes with a sheen, which is great for no-makeup days or just a protecting base for your lip colour. Not the most hydrating formula but good enough for day to day protection. I also use it for my cuticles, not sure if you are suppose to do so, but it works!

很多人入門款都是這款護唇膏。最著名的是玫瑰口味,也是我當時入 Glossier 坑的第一項產品,後來陸續試過櫻桃、芒果而近期的最愛是這款生日蛋糕口味的。一開始是限定款,但現在已被那入為經典商品之一。比其他款更多一些亮澤感。不過Glossier 的護唇膏因為成分的關係,並不是特別保濕,反而是比較具備保護的作用。我也會拿來當擦指緣,也挺有效的。


3: Haloscope in Quartz

Like the concealer, this is a product that I use all the time. This small tube lasted me over 12 months. It’s the most subtle, skin-like highlight that into the skin. My favourite shade is Quartz, a neutral champagne colour, not too blue or pink. You could apply it directly from the stick, but I prefer to tap, blend & press method with my fingers to warm up the product.

喜愛程度與遮瑕膏不相上下,也是我人生第一個再度回購的膏狀打亮。小小一支,但可以用個一年沒問題。色號 Quartz ,是三個裡面比較自然的顏色。有些歐美的高壯打亮,都會有一點點偏紫或粉,但這個完全不會。雖然官網上說是香檳色,但我覺得就是很自然帶光澤的膚色。我習慣用手沾取然後輕拍在顴骨,氣色立刻好起來。

4: generation g lipstick in cake

The reformulated Generation G. The former was dewy/ waxy look, and the current version looks more velvety. The colour cake is a great day-to-day tone, a my lips but better colour. Doesn’t have much staying power. But personally I don’t mind re applying every now and then. Plus, I love how natural it looks.

Glossier Generation G 是偏霧面的自然唇膏。雖然是霧面,但完全不會乾,上唇後感覺也很舒適。持久度老實說並不佳,但我自己不是個會很介意補脣膏的人,所以並沒有造成什麼困擾。我最喜歡的色號是 cake,算是裸桃色系的日常色,不管是上班還上學都非常適合。


5: Moisturising Moon Mask

The only non-sheet mask I always have in my bathroom cabinet (I’m a lazy girl, sheet masks are just a lot more fuss-less). I’ve tried most of Glossier’s skincare products, but if I’m honest, most of them are a bit disappointing. Some even broke me out like crazy. That being said, the Moisturising Moon Mask is an exception. When I skin is extra dry, I apply a thick layer and just relax for 20 mins and rinse it off. My skin looks so glowy and plumped after. This mask also really helps with dry patches, and soothes redness. I LOVE IT.

一直以來,Glossier 的護膚品,在我心中表現都是中規中矩。稱不上難用,效果卻不一定顯著,打多為穩定現有膚況或是保濕為主,若是想改善,的確比其他品牌弱一些,也可說是完全沒作用,通常用完不會再回購,除了這款保濕面膜(手邊這是第二罐)。可以洗完臉厚敷十五分鐘,亦能當作晚安面膜,除了保水度與亮度大大提升,皮膚摸起特別嫩,隔天的妝也會很服貼。另外成分中的蜂蜜與蘆薈也有鎮定泛紅的作用。




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