march recap & favourites

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Highs & lows

I think it only seems fitting to start with low this time. Man, this coronavirus really hit us hard this time, hasn’t it? Everyday there’s something unfolding and updated policies to follow. The spreading, the emptiness of grocery stores, the travel bans, I don’t know if I’ve ever witnessed and experienced anything this intense in my entire life. Me myself have been feeling restless and anxious for the past week. I never thought I’m someone who will get affected so much by fear, but I guess when it is in such a scale, it’s hard to be immune. I guess for someone who is into schedules, the thing that triggers me the most is the lack of control. I know I’m lucky to have the privilege to work from home and still maintain my essential incomes. A lot of people were not able to do so and I’m fully aware of it. Everyone is dealing with loads of uncertainty right now. While the professionals tackle the virus in the front line, what we can really do is keeping ourselves and the people around us safe — social distancing, self-isolating and wash your hands. Stay informed, take care of your physical and mental health and seek advice if you are feeling unwell. We will get through it.

The novelty of working at home is that it gives you motivation to FINALLY do your office make over. When I first moved into this apartment two years ago, I always knew I wanted the spare bedroom to become a home office/guest bedroom. But when I finished furnishing all the other rooms in the apartment I was so exhausted that I just keep putting it off. So I guess there’s no better time than now. I also started filming which again, is something I’ve been putting off for ages. I don’t know how long it is gonna take me to edit my first video, but I promise is on the way. Surprise, surprise, my first youtube video — The home office make over & tour.

「新冠肺炎」,應該是大家現在最常聽到的詞。對於SARS沒有什麼記憶,印象中這是我這輩子第一次目睹與感受如此嚴重的疫情。整體上來說,澳洲與紐西蘭或許因為自成一區的關係,一直到這個月才有明顯的感受。不管是政策、人群的恐慌退卻或是居家隔離,都是過去兩週才有了顯著的改變(剛開始同事與老闆都不以為意,現在比誰都緊張)。加上有許多這兩年剛創業起步的朋友,所以肺炎對於經濟的影響也有著明顯的感受。他們都說,不曉得這關過不過得了?畢竟在市區人潮退減的這段時間店租實在吃不消。又或是,因為營業額急轉直下出現了發不出薪資的狀況。被留職停薪、被裁員的等等的故事,身邊也相繼出現。這段時間,一切問題的答案都是「不確定」,而對於生活上的未知,作為一個極需安排生活行程的人,心境與心情也跟著受到影響。本來已經改善的失眠問題,再度嚴重起來。當然,我非常清楚,自己的狀況已經算是幸運很多。擁有一份能夠順利在家執行的工作,還能領薪水、繳房租,似乎不應該再感到不滿或。總而言之,當專業人員在前線控制疫情的同時,我們唯一能協助的,就是把自己的部分做好。保持距離、減少人與人間接觸、注意自己身心靈健康、有任何的不適儘早尋求幫助。在怎麼樣我們都不是一個人面對 — 要相信,雨過天晴的這天,會來的。

來說點開心的事吧。因為待在家的時間長了,所以(終於)決定好好把工作室好好整理一下。兩年前租下這間公寓的時候,就是看上它的自然光與第二間房間。當初計畫把客房與工作室結合。客房的部份,剛搬進來的時候,就處理好好了,但書桌與櫃子等等,始終沒入手,加上後來選擇到 We Work 的共享辦公室,所以這個計畫就延遲到了現在。除了工作室從無到有的佈置,我還把整個過程錄了下來,正在鑽研要怎麼剪片與選擇配樂。上了幾堂 Skill share 網路課程,但畢竟是新手,所以動作還是有點小慢,請大家再給我點時間(笑) 我自己的計畫是兩週後,敬請期待。

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What I bought this month

Okay, here’s the truth — I broke my ‘no buy challenge’. The good thing is that I did not buy anything beauty & fashion related, which was my primary goal. However, the perks of this challenge is that after the past two months, I actually got a bit more budget flexibility for my home office makeover. Even though I end up mostly going for IKEA pieces. After looking and research at so many different desks, I finally decided I want something really clean and simple. There’s nothing more satisfying then realising after years of renting you are comfortable enough to by all your furnitures online. I picked up this desk and shelving unit. I had also pick up this chair from West Elm.

As for technology, I bought a new printer because I had moved out from my shared working space from We Work and since I can’t really leave the house now so walking to a printing service is not an option anymore. It took me a while to find a compact printer that looks good and comes with a good reviews. It’s been only 2 weeks since I got this HP Tango Smart Home Printer, so far it has been great.

好,我承認,不買日記正式宣告失敗。但某種程度來說,應該算是在規則之內,因為我買的不是新衣服或是彩妝保養(笑)好消息是,經過兩個月的零購買挑戰,這次可以在居家預算上的發揮比以前自由許多,選擇也跟著多了。雖然說,我後來還是選擇了 IKEA 的書桌書櫃,畢竟依舊整體想走的是簡單一點的風格。花最多時間找的的書桌椅。原先的書桌椅其實是有輪子的,但當我決定下訂單的時候他們已經售光,打去品牌問也說因為不是長年款,應該是不會再進貨了(合理,因為我所謂的原先是兩年前)。退而求其次,在一直以來很喜愛的 WEST ELM 找到了完全不一樣,但意外跟工作室風格很搭的樣式。靠背的設計軟硬適中,挺度佳,對我這個長期有脊椎與背痛問題的人來說算是一大福音。家具的部分還入手了一盞立燈,到時後在影片中再揭曉。

接著是科技產品,覺得要找找到一款外表好看,然後網上評價又高的印表機實在是一件很難的事。市面上很多印表機都是黑色或灰色,但這樣的配色,在工作室會顯得很突兀 。這款 HP Tango Smart Home Printer 雖然也有灰色,但白色的面積佔得多,所以正好合適。目前使用約兩週,非常滿意。一樣,影片揭曉。

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Monthly Favourites

Let’s start with something youtube video series: Uncovers Fashion Industry Secrets with Alex Chung & The Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung (watch them below). I have been finding it hard to sit down and netflix or TV series at the moment, but these two were the ones I really enjoy and find it insightful. It’s quite confronting to see how much skincare products I had hoarded, because even though I’m in beauty no-buy situation I haven’t run out of stuff to try. Currently loving the Tatcha One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil, it is probably the finest cleansing oil I have tried without leaving an uncomfortable residue. My skin has also been loving the Osmosis Md Repair Serum as essence before my serum. Like I mentioned before, I have been feeling anxious for the past few weeks and sleeping has really become a problem. But so far, this serum has done wonders for faking that 8 hours skin. Keeping the hands moisturised is perhaps one everyone’s goal since we are all washing our hands a lot more now. L:A Bruket No.221 is my current favourite, the spruce scent is extremely refreshing. The texture is so easy to absorb that you can start typing straight away. A couple of things for the home…Aesop Olous Aromatique Room Spray to keep the home office in an uplifting vibe.

最近似乎很難靜下心追劇,但倒是在 British Vogue 的 Youtube 找到了兩個 Alexa Chung 解析時尚產業的影片(請看下方),雖然不算是太深度的訪談,但依舊受益良多,找回了一點熱愛時與時裝的熱忱,然後接連看了很多她的採訪型的影片,大家也可以看看。接著是保養的部分,老實說, 真的是開始了不買日記,才發現自己屯了多少產品,因為目前為止,都還沒有需要出門購買新產品的時候。現在用的卸妝油是 Tatcha 的 One Step Camellia Cleansing Oil。首先,它不治痘或粉刺,味道宜人之外,非常好乳化也不會在臉上留下永遠洗不乾淨的表層(相信大家都有這樣的經驗)。再來就是 Osmosis Md 的修護精華,先前提到這幾週都有睡眠問題,但照以前經驗來說,皮膚會立刻有泛紅的反應,但這次意外地被控制的很好。雖然是說是本身就是精華,但我後續會再加上自己平時習慣的保濕精華,加強功效。最近因為勤洗手的關係,護手霜也是跟著卯起來擦。對我來說,護手霜除了保濕以外,最重要的就是要修收快讓我可以買上打字(笑)手邊有兩款 L:A Bruket 護手霜,個人喜歡雲杉的味道多些。沈穩中性,畢竟是要整天擦的東西,我個人喜歡低調些的嗅覺感受,不容易膩。說到香味,最近喜歡在工作室噴上 Aesop 俄勞斯室內噴霧,白松香、茉莉與葡萄柚三合一,有著振奮人心的作用,但不至於太強烈,正好適合工作,提高效率。

Okay, there you have it — my March recap. Stay safe and well. Singing off.


words & photography.  Tiffany Yang



best of brands: glossier